Barrow, Broseley, Shropshire TF12 5BW

01952 388640

Barrow 1618

A Church of England Free School


"With faith, friendship and courage we grow."

 Barrow Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy 2023.pdfDownload
 Charging_and_Remissions Policy.pdfDownload
 Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy.pdfDownload
 Collective Worship Policy.pdfDownload
 Complaints-policy-Barrow Summer 2023.pdfDownload
 Data Protection Policy - Summer 2024.pdfDownload
 E-Safety Policy 2022.pdfDownload
 GDPR - Privacy Notice.pdfDownload
 health_and_safety Policy 2324.pdfDownload
 Home - School Agreement 2023.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 18
 Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.pdfDownload
 Anti-Bullying Strategy 2022.pdfDownload
 Early Years Policy Autumn 2020.pdfDownload
 Equality Policy.pdfDownload
 Exclusion Policy 2022.pdfDownload
 Parent Code of Conduct 2024.pdfDownload
 Policy - Anti bullying November 2023.pdfDownload
 PSHE Policy 2022.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 14